







2:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00pm- 9:00pm


1-on-1 Personal Training


1:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00pm- 9:00pm


1-on-1 Personal Training


Noon - 5:00pm


11:00am - 4:00pm

Performance Mechanics

Dynamic Flexibility and Joint mobility
Speed is power. Optimal power requires dynamic flexibility. We teach kids how to stretch both statically as well as dynamically. Especially work on the dynamic flexibility of the shoulders and hips. This will enhance fluidity of motion. Running requires the human body to move in a very relaxed and fluid motion. If fluidity of motion is not present, then the sprinting stride is labored, and speed is reduced. We teach kids how to be quick. Bad mechanics means wasted energy and reduced speed

Balance and Coordination
Alternating rapid force production with one leg at a time in a linear motion can be linked to losing your balance and then regaining it in a successive fashion. The more balance you are, the better coordination you will have. We use un-stabilizing training tools to train the balance of a young athlete.

Core strength & Stabilization

The core musculature is comprised of all the muscles (major AND minor) from just below the pelvis to right around the scapular. All these muscles need to be conditioned to maximize the potential speed and explosiveness of the young athletes. Speed requires core stability.

Within the core, the muscles are divided into two types: the stabilizers and the movers.The more stable the core the more efficient and powerful your movements will be. We develop the core endlessly through both multi-joint and specific exercises.

Strength & Power Development

Strength and power are foundational components of speed development. Linear speed, agility and vertical jumping are based on the amount of force an athlete can generate against the ground. To develop good eccentric strength, we perform both in-place as well as movement-based jumps. We develop kids to jump, gain their balance and jump again. We are most concern about body mechanics and execution than distance or speed. We also incorporate some unilateral strength training. Unilateral strength and stability are a must for good athletes.

Speed & Agility

Running at a quick velocity is comprised of several bodily systems all working synergistically with each other

Balance – Alternating rapid force production with one leg at a time in a linear motion can be likened to losing your balance and then regaining it in a successive fashion. Speed requires balance.

Core Stability – The core musculature is comprised of ALL muscles (major AND minor) from just below the pelvis to right around the scapula. All these muscles need to be conditioned to maximize the potential speed of the young athlete. Speed requires core stability.

Eccentric Strength – Eccentric strength refers to the ability of a muscle to produce force while it is being elongated. During a running stride, every time an athlete’s foot comes back to the ground, the muscles in that leg are contracting eccentrically. The stronger the eccentric contraction, the quicker and powerful the propulsion forward. Speed requires eccentric strength.

Fluidity of Motion – Sprinting requires the human body to move in a very relaxed and fluid motion. If fluidity of motion is not present, then the sprinting stride is labored and subsequently speed is reduced. Speed requires fluidity of motion.

Position & Skills Development
  • Position Drills
  • Directional change
  • Acceleration and deceleration techniques
  • Functional training techniques
  • Foot work
  • Injury’s prevention
  • Eye hand coordination
  • Ankle mobilization
  • Reaction time